Golf coaching and instructional content has fast tracked into our world at an alarming rate accelerating at a speed that is even hard for a immersed coach like myself to even keep up with, so I could imagine how you must be feeling if you’re new to the teaching business or perhaps have recently gone done a rabbit whole of information and wondering where does it fit into the big picture!

How to sift through the noise? that’s the million dollar question and how is this all related to the student in front of you the second million dollar question.

CMP is designed to focus solely on your development as coach / instructor, to guide you in developing the skills habits and behaviours necessary to help you excel in your field of and expertise, the program aims to covers a large gamut of information as well as learning and development content around:

  • golf instructional and technical proficiency
  • coaching and performance based content
  • communication and delivery skills
  • social media and business skills and
  • general up-skilling in areas specific to your current skill set


The initial 6-month program will focus on developing yourself as a coach looking at your current strengths and weaknesses, applied learning to your students and coaching performance. I've pulled together a number of very relevant resources from over 25-years experience and believe this will be a solid foundation for you to understand what it takes to reach your potential and become one of the best in the business.


  • initial FREE consult
  • weekly Zoom call
  • multiple assessments task assigned per month
  • all correspondence documented on CoachNow
  • video recording of in-person sessions
  • monthly commitment 8-12 hours
  • member access to ‘For Coaches’ section on
  • member access to SGGC Network on CoachNow

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